186 accidental shootings of children in the United States this year hit a new high in May and June

On July 1, according to the report of the American Independent on June 29, the statistics of the American gun safety advocacy organization ;Bring gun safety to every town; showed that 186 accidental shootings of children had occurred in the United States this year. In the past May and June, the number of accidental shootings of children reached a new high.

According to the organization's data, 66 of the nearly 200 accidental shootings of children that have occurred this year have resulted in deaths. From May 1 to June 22, a total of 73 related events occurred, which is also the highest since the data records in 2015. According to the US media, May and June are the time when some American schools start their summer holidays, which leads to some children not being supervised in schools. Data also show that about 4.6 million minors in the United States have at least one loaded but unlocked gun in their homes.

On June 14, a 3-year-old child in New Jersey accidentally shot himself at home. On June 21, a 2-year-old boy in Ohio shot his pregnant mother with a gun in his home. When talking about the accidental shooting of children, Sharp, the senior research director of the organization "Bring Gun Safety to Every Town;, said;These worrisome data tell us how many American children were exposed to guns this summer and accidentally shot themselves or others; (Zhang Ni, overseas website)